The MiniJet prints on all accessible surfaces.
MiniJet is a novelty at the German industrial ink jet printer sector. He makes the selection of
products and packaging, light and easy. The printer is easy to prepare (appr.) 45 minutes,
requires no integration of computer equipment and can print on any surface, from paper to
plastic, foil, aluminum and other non-absorbent and absorbent surfaces.
MiniJet can print from 1 to 6 lines, with a size of 2 mm to 16 mm.
All this at a price of
less 3000, - € net.
Minijet prints on all surfaces!
See what you
get for under
Over 20 years expertise
in the field of product
Advantage through knowledge
and conviction through quality!
MiniJet is a
product of
Denmark Aps.
The distribution
for the german
speaking area
is provided by
Dialogic GmbH.